An afternoon of stories


Tucker House invites you to join an afternoon of stories around the campfire on Saturday, November 14.

The first session will take place in English, from 1:00 – 2:00.

The second session will take place in French, from 2:15 – 3:15.

Cost: Free

Recommended ages: 7 – 14, although younger children are welcome

Address: 1731 Tucker Road, Rockland, ON

Sign up here!

Please note the number of people in your party to ensure we comply with proper COVID-19 protocol. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Dress warmly!

About the storytellers:

Colette Laplante (1:00 – 2:00)

“Stories have been an important part of my life. For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed listening to stories. I have been telling stories to friends and family for as long as I can remember.

Now, as a professional storyteller, I tell them to people of all ages and in all kind of venues. I have entertained at community centres, coffee houses, the Bytown Museum, the Children’s Storytelling Festival and the Unitarian Seniors Centre. I’ve told campfire stories to children at the Billings Estate and the Tucker House Renewal Centre. I am told my storytelling is very compelling, and there is a nothing more satisfying to me than the feeling that people are immersed in my performance.

My repertoire includes traditional tales from Northern Europe, Japan, China, Germany and New France and true historical stories.”

Marie Victoria Robertson (2:15 – 3:15)

«Mon grand-père a toujours dit que j’étais née interprète! Depuis plus de quinze ans, j’écris et joue pour la scène, l’écran et la radio. J’ai joué dans les festivals Fringe, à la Cour des Arts, au Centre National des Arts et dans quelques soirées meurtre et mystère. Il y a deux ans, j’ai découvert la narration et je ne l’ai jamais regretté.

J’adore raconter des histoires qui font rire les gens. J’adore raconter des histoires aux enfants. J’adore établir un contact visuel avec le public pendant un moment critique et voir des expressions ravies. À ce jour, j’ai participé à des événements à Story Swap, Stories and Tea et au Festival du conte pour enfants. Mon répertoire grandit chaque jour et comporte des récits de la Scandinavie, de l’Irlande, de la Grèce, du Japon, de la Chine et de l’Amérique du Sud, sans parler des contes canadiens, des contes historiques de héros humains, des histoires effrayantes et des contes animés pour les enfants sur les animaux, l’espace et tout le reste.»

© 2025 Tucker House Renewal Centre

Website by Jacob Baker-Kretzmar