Letter from our Board of Directors 2022


Season’s Greetings to all the friends of Tucker House!

With the Holiday season approaching and 2022 drawing to a close, we turn our thoughts to bundling up next to cozy fires with friends and loved ones, baking holiday treats, singing traditional Christmas songs and reflecting on the past year.  2022 saw the COVID-19 pandemic start to loosen its grip on our lives and with that, regular socialization, activities and events returned for many of us.  Tucker House also rebounded back to life, warming the old home’s hallways and bringing a buzz of activity all over the beautiful grounds.

Children, young and old, visited for enriching experiences.  Our Grow Green Camps were a success again this year, welcoming many participants to learn about mushrooms, gardens and pollinators. Students participated in ecological activities during our workshops and enjoyed the weeks of summer camps by the pool.  Adults and senior members of the community also had many opportunities to visit Tucker House.  We offered a variety of classes such as yoga and Qigong, cooking, crafting and ecological workshops.  Seasonal markets and a Heritage Day also brought many visitors.  It was wonderful to see so many new and familiar faces grace Tucker House again!

In addition to welcoming so many to the heritage of Tucker House through various activities, programs and events, 2022 saw us attempt to further recognize the past and move forward towards reconciliation through the introduction of our Wellness and Recognition Garden.  We hope that it will become a special spiritual location where the whole community may gather to be enriched by Indigenous culture.

We enjoyed a marvelous year here at Tucker House and trust that all who visited and participated did so as well.  We remain so grateful for our volunteers and our small team of inspired and dedicated employees. Diana Brushey left Tucker House this September after overseeing our Country Fun Nature Camps for many years and investing countless hours to make TH the beautiful place that it is today.  We wish you all the best, Diana. We sincerely want to thank all those who have generously contributed endless hours and donated funds to help ensure the organization and property continue to inspire sustainable living.

During the hardships of the pandemic, our Tucker House community was also negatively impacted.  It forced us to adjust our programming to online settings and cancel or postpone all property rentals, workshops and events.  This has had a lasting effect on revenues.  As a non-profit organization, Tucker House relies heavily on charitable donations to operate.  Advancing our ecological, sustainability and heritage mandate is only possible with the participation of the community and its financial support.  In this time of giving, we ask you to consider donating to Tucker House for the Holidays.  Donations to Tucker House allow us to offer enhanced programming integral to our community while investing in infrastructure to conserve the house and the land that are the soul of our organization.  A donation goes a long way and fits easily in everyone’s stocking!  Please visit our website for details.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we wish everyone a joyous, peaceful and safe holiday season and we look forward to you joining us for more fun and excitement at Tucker House in 2023!

The Tucker House Renewal Centre Board of Directors

© 2025 Tucker House Renewal Centre

Website by Jacob Baker-Kretzmar