Seventh Generation Learning Series for Kids

“In every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation… even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of a pine.”
– Constitution of the Iroquois Nation, The Great Binding Law

The Tucker House Seventh Generation Learning Series for Kids is a modular set of presentations and workshops on a variety of sustainability topics. They promote sustainable living practices for children and youth in the greater Ottawa area through engaging and informative content.

Information Poster

The Seventh Generation Learning Series for Kids includes 4 workshops as part of our learning series. The following workshops are meant to equip future leaders to address increasing ecological concerns and to build toward a sustainable future. Some of these workshops are offered in both french and english. See the descriptions of the workshops below:

Simple Sustainability: explores ways to live with less. How can we pool our resources to reduce costs, be more efficient and develop human relationships at the same time?

Get Energy Smart: describes the best ways for kids to help conserve energy at home, school, and play. This presentation explains why saving energy helps our minds, bodies, and the planet.

Renewable Energy: Did you ever think of using the wind, the sun, the heat from the earth or even water to turn on your light switch? Learn about renewable energies and what benefits they bring not only to the environment, but also to our health.

Healthy for Me, Healthy for the Planet: teaches children how to make good food choices by using the 5Ns and the vitamin rainbow to choose meals and ingredients that nourish themselves and protect the planet.

If you are interested in booking one of these workshops for your school or children’s group please download this form and send it to

© 2025 Tucker House Renewal Centre

Website by Jacob Baker-Kretzmar