Summary – July 25th to July 29th / Summer Camp 2022 (Theme : Fungi)


This week at Grow Green Camp was fun-gi filled. We had so much fun discovering the wonderful world of mushrooms! Our days started with scavenger hunts on the property. These gave us an opportunity each morning to appreciate the beauty found in our forest and gardens. On Wednesday, our campers were able to use the iNaturalist app for their scavenger hunt. With the help of this app, they were able to track down some observations made on our own property by naturalists, citizen scientists and biologists within the Tucker House project. Additionally, we are proud to have preserved the history and heritage of the site, and on Monday some of this was shared with the group. Wednesday and Friday, the children got to enjoy our pool for over an hour.

Our activities this week were centered around the theme of forest and mushrooms. On Monday, the children dissected two different mushrooms to learn to identify its different parts. They also started the spore print experiment, so they could observe it throughout the week. On Tuesday, campers reused the various parts of the mushrooms to create a mushroom print craft. On Wednesday, we had a bit of friendly competition playing games that helped us learn about some of the funny names of some of the mushrooms that are found around the world. On Thursday, the children created identification cards for a mushroom of their choice and then made that mushroom out of clay. On Friday, we had a demonstration that explained how the mushroom got its spots. They also got to help decorate the teepee that will be installed on our property soon with their own handprints!

See you next week!

© 2025 Tucker House Renewal Centre

Website by Jacob Baker-Kretzmar