What’s new at CFNC? Presenting Wild Wonder Camp! (virtual)


What’s new? Wild Wonder Camp!
This summer Country Fun is running as Wild Wonder Camp, a partnership project in collaboration with several organizations to offer an “online, outdoors, & more” program for families wishing to join from home or by the lake. Short zoom sessions feature science experiments, Montessori-inspired faith “worship & wonder” stories, and virtual field trips to different ecozones. Daily nature quests, guest speakers, songs, skits, and our CAREtaker model of eco-ed moves children from awareness to action through learning, caring, reflecting, and doing.  Registration includes a hands-on activity kit to support extended learning at home or at the lake, and a curated list of theme-based links: our favourite books, read-alouds, local greenspaces, science DIYs, and some surprise challenges for families!
Country Fun and Wild Wonder programming seeks to nurture and support the whole child in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual growth.  Our camp curriculum balances movement breaks, outdoor challenges, healthy snack ideas, inquiry-based learning and hands-on activities. Daily inclusive faith stories and songs celebrate biodiversity and human diversity, showing God’s love for all of Creation and affirming each person as they are. Mindfulness sessions and centering time prayers help build resilience, connection, and healing after a year of upheaval. We also go deep into youth leadership development: we nurture camper- to Leader-In-Training, LIT to Leader, and alumni as support staff to pass on traditions. Country Fun training has always gone beyond the basics and this year is no exception. With the help of our partners, Wild Wonder staff have in-depth Duty of Care training; Inclusivity (learning about interfaith, intercultural, LGBTQ2IA+, Right Relations) and Self-Growth and Spirituality through mindfulness, prayer, and meditation. Our standard risk reduction training was supplemented with online naloxone training. We are also exploring facilitated sessions for youth on themes of climate change grief and growth and reconciliation education.
Wild Wonder Camp is offered as $25/camper/session or pay-what-you-can. Weeks run from July 12- August 6. Morning sessions for ages 5-8 are 10:00-11:15 with movement breaks; ages 9-12 join from 1:00-2:30 with a 20-minute nature challenge break. A midsummer camp-in-a-box style session may also be available upon request. For more information or to register visit www.wildwondercamp.ca or www.maisontuckerhouse.ca/countryfun
Wild Wonder Camp is a collaboration by Country Fun Nature Camp (Tucker House), Camp Awesome (Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council of United Church of Canada), Greening Sacred Spaces Ottawa, and CanaDiana UnlimiTed.

© 2025 Tucker House Renewal Centre

Website by Jacob Baker-Kretzmar